In The Boscombe Valley Mystery, a murdered man's son was accused for murdering him. Alice Turner, the daughter of man named John Turner asked Holmes and Watson to investigate and so they did. There was much evidence towards the son but neither Alice nor Holmes believed it. Holmes believed that it was a third man who committed the murder. After some time, John Turner confesses to the murder but doesn't his daughter to know. So because Holmes is not a police detective, he agrees not to tell anyone. Seven months later John dies because of sickness.
In The Five Orange Pips, a man named John Openshaw went to Holmes for help. His uncle was found dead some time after he received a letter with five orange pips and the letters KKK. It is funny that some of them had no idea who the KKK were, but Holmes found an encyclopedia and told John and Watson. After a while Holmes found and confirmed that a ship named "The Lone Star" has the people responsible for the murder. So, Holmes sent a letter to the captain of the ship with five orange pips to scare him. He also told the police that they were responsible for murder.
In The Man With The Twisted Lip, Watson's wife's friend went to him for help. her husband was missing for some days and she was worried. Holmes and Watson eventually found out that her husband was a beggar and was taken to prison. He was leading a double life and didn't want his family to know what he was doing. So, by the end of the mystery there was no crime and no villain.
All three of these stories are very short and I really do believe that Doyle should make them somewhat longer.
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