In The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, a man named Victor Hatherley went to Doctor Watson because his thumb has been cut off and he needed the wound repaired. After he had repaired it, Watson took the man to Holmes to find out what had happened instead of going to the police. So, Mr. Hatherley told the story talking about him being blindfolded and driven to a house to look at a machine. The machine was a press and he told the people that blindfolded him what needed to be fixed. After he looked at it one last time, Hatherley found out that the press is not being used for what it is supposed to be used for. So, he runs out and jumped out the window to find out his thumb was cut off. So Holmes sums up what happened and told that there were counterfeiters and when Hatherley was running out he dropped his lamp which burned down the whole house.
In The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, tells of a woman who disappeared on her wedding day. Her husband, Lord Robert was confused by this and went to Holmes for help. He talked about an accident that his bride had with a man when she dropped her flowers. Holmes was asking many questions and kept on approaching the answer as time went on. He looked at documents and letters and eventually found out what had happened. The bride saw her old husband and they ran away together. Later on they went back and apologized to Robert and he was sad afterwards.
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