In The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, a man named Mr. Alexander Holder made a loan of 50,000 pounds to a client and he left the Beryl Coronet (crown) as collateral. Holder was in a way paranoid about the safety of this crown and wanted to stay near it most of the time. One day he woke up and saw his son Arthur with the coronet in his hands and trying to bend it. He also notices that three of the beryls are missing. So, he went to see Holmes for help and he also got some police involved. After some time Sherlock Holmes solves the problem and finds out that Holder's niece was partnered with another criminal and escaped. Arthur only made it seem like he broke it because he was in love with her.
This episode was somewhat longer than the others page wise but did not have that much important information. Doyle should have really worked a little longer on his stories.
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