Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Hound of the Baskervilles Chapters 1-3 (p781-800)

For a while not Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has written short stories on a variety of mysteries. Out of his complete collection The Hound of the Baskervilles is his third long story with actual chapters. In chapter 1 (Mr. Sherlock Holmes) Sherlock Holmes and Watson are in their office at their apartment when Watson sees a cane on the floor that does not belong to either of them. This means that someone else was there once. So, Holmes lets Watson theorize about it for some time. His theory was that an old doctor was awarded that cane after years of good work. After Holmes listened to Watson, he also gave what he believed the origin of the cane is. He said the the cane is a practitioner's and given to him for a retirement gift and that he owns a dog. Then he said that the man he described looks like the same person at his front door. So, the man came in and his name was Mortimer and everything Holmes said was true and he told Holmes that he had a problem that he needs help with.
In chapter 2 (The curse of the Baskervilles) Mortimer showed Holmes and Watson a manuscript that tells about the myth of the Baskerville curse. The curse was brought upon because of a man named Hugo Baskerville who made a deal with the devil to have help to find a girl that ran away after he kidnapped her. So, Hugo ended up killed by a beast and that beast has haunted the Baskervilles since. Then Mortimer told that the beast had just killed Sir Charles Baskerville.
In chapter 3 (The Problem) Mortimer told Holmes that he wanted to know what to do with Sir Henry, the heir to Charles. So, Holmes told him to bring Henry and began to smoke. Later that night Watson went back to Holmes with a map of the Baskerville moorlands and they talk about the case for a short period of time. Then, to end the chapter, Holmes played his violin.

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