In The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton, a woman named Lady Eva Blackwell hired Holmes to get letters from a blackmailer named Milverton. When Holmes went to him, Milverton wanted 7000 pounds to give the letters because he knew they would break Blackwell's engagement. So, Holmes attempted to bargain with him, but he would not accept any less than 7000. When that happens, Holmes promises to get the letters back by doing anything he can. So, he disguised himself as a plumber and went to Milverton's home to learn some information. Eventually, Holmes found out where he was hiding the blackmailing papers and goes back one night to try to steal them but fails but while he was there Mrs. Blackwell also entered the room as a supposed maidservant and shot Milverton. By the end of the story, Holmes found out that she was getting revenge on Milverton because her husband died because he reveled her secrets and he was brokenhearted. At the end Holmes got out of the house without being seen and the next morning he was contacted by the inspector for help in the same case he was involved in.
In The Adventure of the Six Napoleons, Inspector Lestrade went to Holmes with a problem about a man who shattered plaster busts of Napoleon. The next day another bust happened but along with them, there was a murder. So to solve this case, Holmes tries to mislead the villain by putting false information in the paper. Later, Holmes found the shopkeepers that sold the busts and found out who they sold them to. There was also a picture found in the murdered man's pocket and the shopkeepers recognized him as a former worker named Beppo. After that, Holmes went to the manufacturers of the busts and found that there were part of a six. The police also identified the murdered man and found that he was part of the Mafia and wound up dead trying to kill someone. Holmes then predicted where the next bust would be and found Beppo there. After Beppo was caught, Holmes bought the remaining busts and broke them finding a gem.
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