In The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier, a man named James M. Dodd went to Holmes about a friend named Godfrey Emsworth who was missing. They had served together in the Second Boer War and he was injured and Dodd had not seen him since then. When Dodd contacted Emsworth's father, he was told that he went on a voyage around the world. So, because he was not happy with that answer, he actually went to his home and was told the same thing. When he talked to the butler, the butler was refering to Godfrey in the past tense and said it would be better to do that. Later, Dodd saw Godfrey looking through the bedroom window and tried to chase him but couldn't find him. At night the next day and went to a building he found seeing Godfrey who told him he was leaving on the next train. So, Dodd ended up going back to Holmes and was told that the only reason Godfrey would be hiding is because he has leprosy which he contracted in Africa.
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes The Adventure of the Illustrious Client & The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier (p1156-1193)
In The Adventure of the Illustrious Client, a man named Sir James Damery went to Holmes and Watson because a woman named Violet was in love with a man named Adelbert Gruner, which he thinks is a murderer. Gruner's last wife was also murdered. He is a collector and had Chinese pottery. Later Holmes went to see Gruner and he threatened him by telling him the last person to try to interfere with his life was crippled. So, Holmes went to Gruner's last mistress, Kitty who wanted revenge on him. From her, Holmes found out that Gruner collects women and he writes their names in a book. So, Holmes went to go see Violet to tell her to leave Gruner but she refused and thought too good of him. After that Holmes was attacked by two men and when Watson found out, he hurried to Baker Street and found that he was hurt and would be out of action for some time. Once that happened, Kitty was removed from the city so she wouldn't be hurt. A couple days Holmes was out of bed and found that Gruner was planning to go to the US. Then for some odd reason, Holmes told Watson to learn about Chinese pottery so he did it. The next day Watson was told to act as a collector and to sell a pot to Gruner. Then he found out that Holmes sent him and heard a loud noise. Once he heard that, he went to his window to jump out and Kitty threw vitriol in his face. By then his face was disfigured and Holmes assured that Violet would not want him anymore.
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