In the Adventure of the Creeping Man, a man named Trevor Bennett went to Holmes because he is a professor's secretary and engaged with his daughter, Edith. He also found out that the professor had been to Prague and that his wolfhound was attacking him (which is bad). The professor also had letters that passed through Mr. Bennett which he was not allowed to open. He acted stranger too, with mood swings and habit changes, and even crawled on his hands and feet through the hallway. While Bennett was telling Holmes this, his fiancée walked in and said that she saw her dad once go to her 2nd floor bedroom window at 2 AM. So, the next day, Holmes and Watson went to visit the Professor but were kicked out because they had no appointment. But, just in time, Bennett found the address of the person the professor was writing to. In the end, Holmes found that every 9 days, the professor takes a drug that changes his behavior and he became addicted to it in Prague.
In the Adventure of the Lion's Mane, Holmes is at the beach and meets his friend Harold Stackhurst, the headmaster of a school. When they met, a science teacher went up to them. with red welts on his back that were made with a flexible weapon and died. A math teacher also showed up and Holmes found out that they were friends. So, to find more information, Holmes and his friend went to a woman named Miss Bellamy because she knew the science teacher but when they got there, so did the math teacher. Over there, they find out that Maud Bellamy and the science teacher were engaged and Holmes thought that the math teacher was had jealousy and killed the science teacher. Later, the science teacher's dog was found dead in the same spot as him. At the end of the story Holmes found out that the killer was just a jellyfish that was deadly so he took a rock and killed it.
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