In The Adventure of the Dying Detective, Holmes was dying of a rare Asian disease that he got at a case in Rotherhithe and Watson had just found out. When Watson visited him, Holmes told him to to go near him because he is contagious and to not get anyone to help him until he names that person at 6. At 6 Holmes told Watson to get Mr. Culvertion Smith. While he is leaving Watson also meets Inspector Morton and tells him what happened. So, when Watson went to Smith, he refused to go, but eventually he persuaded him and brought him to Holmes' apartment. Before he ended up in Holmes' room, Holmes told Watson to hide and listen to what happens. He was very harsh with Holmes and admitted that he had killed his nephew with the same disease. He also talked about the ivory box he sent Holmes with the disease in it. Then Holmes asked him to turn the gas on his lantern to full and when that happened, that signal called Inspector Morton to come in and he ended up arresting Smith. After that Watson went out of hiding. At the end Holmes was not really dying at all and Watson found out that it was all a plan to get Smith to confess to the murder he committed.
In The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax, Holmes told Watson to go to Lausanne to see why Lady Frances Carfax disappeared. When he went, Watson found out that she stayed at a Hotel for a couple of weeks and then left in a hurry. One witness said that there was a bearded man was bugging her and her maid quit. Later, Watson found out that she went to Germany to meet the Schlessinger's but when he got there he found that they had left three weeks before and that the bearded mad was also looking for her. So, Watson telegraphed Holmes about the case, and he wrote back asking about Mr. Schlessinger's left ear. After that, Watson went to France to see Miss. Carfax's former maid and found out that her wedding is why she quit. While they were talking, she pointed out the bearded man on the street and Watson was almost killed if it wasn't for a workman who broke up the fight between them. Then Watson found out that the workman was really Holmes and told him to go back to London with him. But before they left, Holmes found out that the bearded man (aka Philip Green) was looking to Miss Carfax to marry her. When they were in London again, Holmes believed that Miss Carfax was dead or jailed. After some investigating Holmes found out that Mr. Schlessinger had an old dead woman in a coffin in his home who is not Miss Carfax but his wife's nurse and the police had him go back home. The next day, Holmes went back and unscrewed the coffin lid and found Miss Carfax chloroformed because they wanted to steal her jewels. When they woke her up, the Schlessinger's had ran away.
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