Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Hound of the Baskervilles Chapters 7-9 (p823-851)

In chapter 7 (The Stapletons of Merripit House), its the next morning and Watson and Sir Henry were talking about the crying they heard the other night and when they were saying that the butler was acting different. Later Watson went to the Barrymore residence to see if his telegraph was delivered and found that it was. But on his walk back a man named Mr. Stapleton was carrying a butterfly net and went up to Watson to walk with him back. During the walk Stapleton was trying to get Watson to talk about the case but he refused. While walking they also saw a stretch of quicksand where something that was a man or beast was being sucked up. They also saw a pony in the sand. After that, they heard a moan and the locals thought that it was the Hound of Baskervilles. When that happened, Stapleton chased a butterfly and went away for a while while his sister came out of nowhere and the chapter ended with Watson being very confused.
In chapter 8 (First Report of Dr. Watson) and 9 (Second Report of Dr. Watson), Watson announced that he would start to tell the story in letter form to Holmes. In these letters he goes to meet with a man named Mr. Frankland. He was interested in astronomy and had a telescope. Later, while he was sleeping, Watson woke up from the sound of footsteps and eventually heard a key turning. He did not try to solve the mystery but only left it to Holmes to find out from the letters. Later Watson theorized that Barrymore was having a relationship with another woman other than his wife and that would explain his wife's crying. So he stayed and watched to see if he would commit the act again. On the second night of the stakeout, Watson followed Barrymore to his window and found out that the Barrymore's were both feeding and housing Ms Barrymore's brother who is a convict. So, when Watson and Sir Henry were going back home they saw a figure in the distance and then it quickly disapeared.

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